Memories about Lorenzo the Magnificent

Lynne and I believe that “after separation certain people continue to be very significant for us in our hearts and through our memories. Remembering them is much more than just thinking of them, because we are making them part of our whole being.” (Henry Nouwen)

We loved to travel, have dinner, laugh, cry, and study scripture with Ka and LL. LL was always ready to start a new day, except when he found a place he really liked, then “No need to move on today”.

LL never met anyone he didn’t befriend. Concierges, waiters, doormen, bartenders, and maître d – but lots of people do that. LL made friends of coat room attendants, museum employees, Venice gondoliers, and anyone else who stood by him for more than 30 seconds. In New York, we always let LL take the front seat in the cab . . . and by the time we reached our destination he knew the driver’s country of origin, his family makeup and a lot more.

LL could be a little impatient, so we were not surprised when he decided to move on and prepare a place for the rest of us. He will have scoped out all the small and wonderful Italian restaurants and found all the coffee shops that open early enough to bring back treats for his late sleeping friends. And, of course, a copy of the Wall Street Journal.

The small circle of friends who met in our homes studying scripture with Nelson Irving was a special treasure from our past We held parties for each of our children who married. We were especially honored to have the group in San Francisco for the wedding of Chuck, Jr. and Greta – such a special time.

LL took a lot of friendly kidding about his stature. We can say this without a moment’s hesitation: LL embodied the love of Christ. He stood tall among men.

We look forward to seeing you again.

- Lynne and Chuck Dedmon


Loving Flanigans


But you are family…