But you are family…

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Once we were in Dallas, they still had the Brown Mercedes and he offered up anytime we needed it. I said to him, "I grew up where we never borrowed cars from other people and we just rented it on our own. " Your dad said without a pause, "But you are family." He then looked me in the eye and did his famous wink.

Second story, ever since they started coming up to nyc we would have a quick catchup just the two of us where he took a very fatherly role to ask questions as any dad would. Are you saving money, investing it properly,and how are you progressing in your career? It was almost fitting,when during the last visit to the Timbers and it was just him and I sitting near the bbq area, He told me how proud he was of us and he just sat there with his signature smile. It was a very memorable moment for me.

- Lung Huang

(married to Courtney Cotter Huang, Papa L’s niece)


Memories about Lorenzo the Magnificent


A gift coming full circle