What makes LL distinct from others?

What makes LL distinct from others? It would be easy to say that he had good character. 

We would probably define that in terms of integrity, honesty, strong moral fiber, care and concern for others and the like. However, while true Christian character is demonstrated in actions, it resides in the heart. 

LL’s character begins with his faith in Christ. His character is the product of the Holy Spirit that produces the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, long suffering and self-control. This is how we know LL. He was the personification of the fruits of the Spirit. He loved all of us despite our flaws. His smile expressed the joy that was inside of him.  He always seemed at peace with himself. How he dealt with his family and others was admirable. 

One favorite memory of LL occurred one Father’s Day as Kathryn was rolling down the Tollway.  In thinking about special fathers, the first person that came to mind (other than David) was LL. So Kathryn called LL and left a voicemail that he was the living personification of a great father and grandfather and how he led his family. He later called Kathryn back that evening and said how much that message meant to him. He was a servant leader not only to his family but to his friends as well. 

Well done good and faithful servant!

- Kathryn & David Waldrep




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