That meeting on the shuttle bus

My coming to know LL was one of those rare times when you meet a person who does not have to interact with you but does so anyway.  It was on a shuttle bus to a company function in Park City 20 years ago when I first met LL.  I was the new person to the group and I was just trying to “make sure I did the right thing”.  From the very beginning, his smile and engaging personality put me at ease and began to show me what a wonderful heart he had for not only me but all people.  Over the years my wife and I did not get to spend much time with he and KA until recently.  When we were able to get together it was just like “old times”.  Just like when, after sometimes decades, you see that old friend and you start up again as if you just saw him last week.  Even though we did not see each other much, I am already missing his presence in this world.  I lament the fact that I will not be able to see him again on this earth but I find peace in knowing that he went home to the Lord and that I will get to see him one day.

Thankful for the grace and eternal life that God has given us,

- Britt Smith (husband of Karen Wilson)


40 Years of friendship

